Man Magan is a song by Deepak Bajrachary which is one of the best musicians of Nepal. In this song, he tries to the reflection of the culture, tradition and heritage of Nepal. In his music video he uses an authentic Nepali instrument, which has their own historical values, the instrument that was used in the video are Madal, sarangi, Dhime. In Man Magan Nepali ethnic instruments have been used for playing in traditional festivals, Jatras & rituals of Nepal such as Kumari Jatra, Ghintang Kishi, Jhakri Dance, Lakhey Dance, Dhami Dance, Kumari Jatra, and much other ethnic dance.
Here is a glimpse of Man Magan.

Through this entire song, the song focuses to emphasize prevention and promotion of Nepali music, ethnic instrument, Nepali culture globally.
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