Poster Chapali Height 3

5 December

Chapali Height is a successful film series. Two Chapali Height movies have already been made. The filming for ” Chapali Height 3 ” is going on. In fact, the shooting started a few days back with a puja at Karyabinayak Temple. Here is the event of the announcement.

Arjun Kumar is producing the movie. Nikesh Khadka is directing it. Actors include Supushpa Bhatta, Swastima Khadka and Amir Gautam.

Right now, the film is taking its shape. Swastima Khadka says “she has not completely gotten into the character of the film.” She adds “when the shooting starts, I think I will get it.”

Swastima further adds that she signed the movie for its story. The makers say that the story is a suspense thriller.

We hope we get to see a great movie – Chapali Height 3.



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