‘Itahari’ fastest growing town in Nepal is a Sub-Metropolitan and largest city in sunsari district in the Koshi zone of south-eastern Nepal. It is located at the main transportation junction of eastern Nepal.
Itahari can also be knowns as the heart in terai region as it is located in the center of two big town that is Biratnagar and Dharan. It is the center of the west-east Mahendra highway and south-north Koshi Highway and thus is a town of emerging importance.
Image of Beautiful town Itahari.

Itahari is the fastest developing town as lots of development works are going rapidly on Itahari. There are many beautiful parks and resorts in itahari to visit like: Taltaliya, Gokulam, Gokarna, Ocean Park and so on.
In the above picture you can see the 4 different way from Itahari which leads the different big cities. You can also move on to the beautiful greenery and religious places near itahari that includes: Vedetar, Dharan, Illam.
You can watch the video below from GM Nepal to know more about Itahari.
If you are interested to know more about Itahari, let us know in the comment!!