Since Sweden has approved Vision Zero, their rate of road accidents is the lowest in Europe. Vision Zero is a multinational road traffic safety to reduce road injuries and fatalities. It was approved by Sweden in October 1997 for the first time.

Let’s see how far Sweden has come since they implemented Vision Zero and why their road is safest.
Here are the 10 facts about Sweden’s road safety.
1. Since 1970, the number of car users has doubled in Sweden, however, the number of people killed has lowered to 264 per year.
2. Sweden road is the world’s safest roads with the rate of only 3 deaths out of every 100,000 swedes every year. However, the death rate of the European Union is 5.5 per 100,000 and 11.4 per 100,000 in America.

3. Some of the infrastructure to Sweden’s road safety success is more roundabouts, fewer intersections, more pedestrian bridges, strict rules and a separate lane for bicycles.
4. In 2016, Sweden reduced its accident death rate to half to 270. In 1996, the death rate was 541.
5. Sweden has made target date for ‘zero accident deaths’ by 2050.
6. Other nations such as the U.S, Canada, Norway, and the European Union has adopted the “Vision Zero scheme.”
7. It costs you around $ 1,800 to learn to drive in Sweden. That’s expensive.

What should be done to minimize road accidents? What do you think? Comment your answer.