One of the most popular dishes in Nepal is Mula ko Achar. It is almost found in every Nepalese house. As every Nepali people are familiar with this dish.
Mula ko Achar recipe is very simple and super easy to prepare. It is prepared with just 7 ingredients. Mula Ko Achar is spicy, sour, pungent, and irresistible esp. It looks so yummy and delicious. The taste of it is mindblowing.

Mula ko Achar can be served with rice and can be eaten as a salad. It is also taken as sedan with local drinks.
You can watch the below video to know the recipe of Mula ko Achar.
Mula ko Achar can be prepared at home and nowadays it is available in the market. And after watching the above video you can try this recipe to prepare Mula ko Achar.
I hope you will give it a try and let me know what you fell about this recipe in the below comment section. You can also share this article with your family and relatives.