The Qatar diplomatic crisis began in June 2017, when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, the Maldives, Mauritania, Senegal, Djibouti, the Comoros, Jordan, the Tobruk-based Libyan government, and the Hadi-led Yemeni government severed diplomatic relations with Qatar and banned Qatari airplanes and ships from utilising their airspace and sea routes along with Saudi Arabia blocking the only land crossing.

Buzz from the Internet

‘Everybody’s suffering’ in the Gulf because of the Qatar blockade, Eni CEO says

Saudi Arabia just broke its own 2-year blockade of Qatar by flying its soccer team across the border, suggesting the feud could be thawing

Is the Qatar blockade ruining
the country’s sporting goals?

This whole experience for Doha gave it justification for what many studying the region believe, including serving diplomats, that the country geopolitically consistently punches above its weight. Only time will tell whether that is a good thing or a bad one for Qatar’s sovereign ambitions.


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