Huawei is one of the leading information and communications technology service provider with more than hundreds of smartphones available in the global market.
Recently, the United States of America has set a specific restriction on Huawei business in the US. Google has warned Huwaei because android operating system customized by Huawei are hackable.
Hongmeng operating system is closed-source and Android compatible, which might replace other existing operating systems due to its features.
Huawei has been developing its operating system named ‘Hongmeng aka Arc’ since 2012. Till now, Huawei has not set an official name for the operating system but is in the rapid development.

According to CEO of Huawei, Mr. Ren Zhengfei, Huwaei has been testing Hongmeng operating system in existing smartphones, and the operating system shall be soon available in the market.
For the first time, this operating system might be available with Huawei mate series as they have been testing with it.
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