May 28, Kathmandu. Lyricist Ratna Shamsher Thapa has passed away. Musician Mahesh Khadka informed that he died at Norvic Hospital at 12 noon on Thursday.

He was taken to Norvic Hospital for treatment on Wednesday evening. He died at the age of 83.

Swab has also been taken to check for corona infection in him.

Thapa’s songs like ‘A Kancha Thattaima Yo Baisha Jaan Lagayo’, ‘Jag-Lamka-Chamka Hey Naujawan Ho’, ‘Vichhodko Pida Nasaki Khapna’ are popular.

May 28, Kathmandu. Lyricist Ratna Shamsher Thapa has passed away. Musician Mahesh Khadka informed that he died at Norvic Hospital at 12 noon on Thursday.

He was taken to Norvic Hospital for treatment on Wednesday evening. He died at the age of 83.

Swab has also been taken to check for corona infection in him.

Thapa’s songs like ‘A Kancha Thattaima Yo Baisha Jaan Lagayo’, ‘Jag-Lamka-Chamka Hey Naujawan Ho’, ‘Vichhodko Pida Nasaki Khapna’ are popular.

Thapa’s songs like ‘A Kancha Thattaima Yo Baisha Jaan Lagayo’, ‘Jag-Lamka-Chamka Hey Naujawan Ho’, ‘Vichhodko Pida Nasaki Khapna’ are popular.

Ratna Shumsher Thapa Songs | Ghumti Ma Na Aau Hai, Eh Kancha Thattai Ma, Goreto Tyo Gau Ko
Ratna Shumsher Thapa Populars Songs


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