Everybody wants weight loss to shed those extra pounds that stop them from getting a well-toned body, right? We pour our heart out on weight training, exercise, and low carb diets. But, are we missing out on something?
Why is Liver Important for Weight Loss?
Most people do not consider liver health when it comes to weight loss. That’s where we miss out!

Our liver filters out all the toxins from our body. When the liver is full of toxins, it stalls the weight loss process.
Similarly, the liver also plays a vital role in the metabolism of fat. The liver produces bile which breaks down fat and absorbs the fat, water, soluble vitamins and minerals.
Fatty Liver?
Contaminated food and water along with the heavy pollution may have resulted in our liver to accumulate junks and toxins. This leads to the deterioration of liver health, which renders the liver to be unable to efficiently metabolize fats.
This entire process makes our liver “fatty,” and it becomes impossible to lose weight.
So, liver detoxification is necessary to turn weight loss into reality!
How can you Cleanse your Liver?
Detoxification diets are popular among health-conscious people as the preferred method. This diet plan cleans your liver and body from harmful toxins.

Before going on a detoxification diet, you need to do a few things. Stop eating processed or junk foods. Avoid smoking and drinking entirely during detoxification. It’s the only way to reap the full benefits of a detoxification diet.
Try These Detoxification Recipies:
Here are three detoxification recipes to cleanse your liver at home:

1. Lemon & Parsley Detox Juice
Lemon is full of detox agents. You can quickly detox your liver by using lemon with some cucumber and a handful of parsley.
Squeeze two lemons and add a couple of cucumber slices with a handful of parsley. Add 200ml of water and blend them. Drink the mixture once a month.
2. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is rich in anti-oxidants which help liver detoxification.
For preparation boil a cup of water of a handful of chamomile flowers. Cool it a bit and have a drink. Drink it for at least two weeks.
This tea also reduces stress and improves the quality of sleep.
3. Apple Cider Tumeric Detox Juice
Apple cider vinegar mixed with turmeric and a spoonful of honey can be the perfect detox juice. Because, apple cider vinegar and turmeric are rich in anti-bacterial properties, which aid the removal of toxins from the body. Make this mixture once in a week and drink it.
The liver is the detoxification organ of our body. The build-up of toxin and fat in the liver cause resistance to weight loss. So, it is necessary to cleanse your liver if you want to lose weight effectively.
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So, are you thinking of going on a detoxification diet? Let us know in the comments below!
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