The 45 days “Everest Cleaning Campaign,” that began on April 14 aims to collect 10,000 kgs of garbage from the Mt. Everest region. At present, a total of 3,000 kgs of solid waste has already been collected through this cleaning initiative.

Every year, hundreds of climbers, Sherpas and porters leave a trail of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste on their way to summit the Everest.

According to Mr. Dandu Raj Ghimire, Director General of Department of Tourism, the campaign will collect a total of 5,000 kg of waste from Everest Base Camp, 2,000 kg of waste from South Col, and 3,000 kg of waste from Camp I and Camp II.

Mr. Ghimire further stated, “Our goal is to extract as much waste as possible from Everest to restore glory to the mountain. Everest is not just the crown of the world, but our pride.”

This campaign is one of the most ambitious cleaning campaigns has received support from both government and non-government agencies.

The campaign will end on May 29, to commemorate the first summit of the mountain by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1953.


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