Did you know that your fingernails can signal about your health?

Did you know that your fingernails can signal about your health?

Did you know that your fingernails can signal about your health? A lunula(also known as half-moon shape) at the base of the nail can tell pretty much about your health condition. What do your nails say about your health?

Let’s find out what is lunula and how it signals about your health or What do your nails say about your health?

What is Lunula?

Lunula is part of your nail tissue. It produces the cells that will eventually become your nail. The size of lunula vary in each nail, and some people don’t have lunulae in their finger.

Lunula is part of your nail tissues.

The sudden or unnatural color pigmentation in your nail might be telling you that something is wrong with your health. It could be due to some disease or predisposition to it.

However, such diagnostics can help you identify the problem and take action.

Let’s find out some common lunula type and what they say about your health.

Lunula can signal much about your health.

White lunula

If you have a small white-colored lunula on the base of your nail, then you are healthily fine. You may also find that the size of lunula smaller from pointer finger and almost invisible in your pinkie.  

Pale blue lunula

If you have diabetes, your lunula may turn pale blue. The reason behind the blue colouration is the uncontrollable blood sugar level in your body.

Red lunula

The red lunula can be a sign of heart failure. Whereas, if your entire nails turn white, it may be a sign of liver or kidney diseases.

Missing lunula

Do not worry if you don’t see lunula in your nail, it is normal. But in some cases, the cause of missing lunula could be due to anaemia, malnutrition, or depression.

If you don't see lunula in your nail, it is normal.
Missing Lunula

Larger lunula

A larger lunula in your fingers could be the sign of a cardiovascular issue, heartbeat disruption, and low blood pressure. The larger lunula covers almost half of your nail.

Blue lunula

A blue-colored lunula might also be telling that you have Wilson’s disease. Consult a doctor, if you experience additional symptoms such as fatigue, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and jaundice.

Grey or black lunula

A grey lunula is a sign of fatigue, digestion disorders, and problems in nutrition absorption. The black lunula is the sign of heavy metal poisoning which is fatal. Let’s not hope for this one.

Figure Out What Your Nails Tell About Your Health


  • Lunula(half-moon shape) in your nail can signal much about your health.
  • Lunula is nail tissues that will become your nail; each nail has unique or no lunula at all.
  • White lunula signal that you are healthily fine.
  • Pale blue lunula could be due to diabetes.
  • Red lunula could be a sign of heart failure.
  • The missing lunula is normal but also could be due to anemia or depression.
  • Larger lunula is a sign of cardio-vascular disease.
  • Blue lunula is a signal of Wilson’s disease.
  • Grey or black lunulae is a sign of fatigue, nutrition absorption or metal poisoning.

If you have colored lunulae and additional symptoms, then consult a doctor.

So, how do your lunulae appears to be? Are they white or in some other colors? Can you see it in your nails?

Please let us know in a comment section. We are curious to know.

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