Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal surrounded by hills from all sides commonly as Kathmandu valley. Due to the large population in valley roads are congested. Other than highways most of the roads are small barely letting a car and bike pass together and due to the peoples walking through the same road it makes difficult even for a bike to pass. Riding in a bike in the street is a challenge and mental.
Do you want to know how to ride in Kathmandu Thamel is insane, then watch the video below?
Thamel is an overcrowded place in the city as it has been the center of the tourist industry for decades. Presence of lots of tourist and native walking in roads makes Thamel one of the hardest road to drive vehicle. Most of the traffic police of Nepal are present in Kathmandu but it is still difficult to control traffic.

The reasons are people of Kathmandu because they place their stall near the roads making it difficult for walkers and drivers and we have to say that people are smart if they do not get to walk by the side of the road then they walk through the middle. Even there are rules for people most of them do not follow is the greatest reason for the traffic jam.
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