Inside Priyanka’s Bachelorette Party in Thailand


Bachelorette party means “the last fling before the ring.” Well, it is a fun event just before the commitment and possible compromises. Guess what? Priyanka Karki is having her bachelorette party in Thailand.

Priyanka’s Bachelor Party in Thailand.

Priyanka Karki, who is engaged with Ayushman Desraj Joshi, had said that she would not be married this year. However, the rumours are circulating about Priyanka tying her knot this year.

She must be having a great time. We have some visual proofs. Enjoy!

Image Courtesy: Instagram Page
Picture Courtesy: Instagram Page

Here is her post on Instagram.

View this post on Instagram

I’ll never be able to put in words how important you girls are to me. All our conversations, shared laughter, being there for the sorrows, making funny remarks, cracking up at the the silliest jokes, the love we share, the warmth, the comfort, I could go on forever. I know you get the point. Having you here with me by my side just means everything to me. I just wanted to say THANK YOU, for all that you do. I’m glad you could be one of my CHOSEN few❀ #priwithsistersbeforehermister #pribridalshower #prisaidyestothebest #misstomrsπŸ’ #celebratingayanka #oncloudjoshi #trippingonkhukri #khukrixxxrum #khukrimypride #spiritoflife

A post shared by π‘·π’“π’Šπ’šπ’‚π’π’Œπ’‚ 🌼 (@priyanka.karki) on

One more post on Instagram. Priyanka looking awesome.

Priyanka with her buddies at Tribhuban International Airport.

Here is her team in Thailand.

One more.

Finally this.

Photo Courtesy Instagram.

Enjoy Priyanka.


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