Nepal is a religious country rich in culture and traditions. We celebrate a varieties of festivals and occasions which carry their own significance.
Our main festivals are Dashain and the Tihar, which we celebrate with our close friends, relatives and family.
Among the festivals we celebrate, Dashain being the greatest one for Nepalese is always celebrated with the zeal and in joyful ways.

It is celebrated for 15 days, among which the main day is known as ‘Vijaya Dashami’, the day when Goddess Durga got victory over the demons. On this day the seniors of the family put ‘Tika’ and ‘Jamara’ giving blessings to their younger ones.

Another beautiful and enjoyable festival for the Hindus is the second greatest festival for Nepalese after Dashain that is ‘Tihar’.

We worship 4 different animals in tihar that is Kaag Tihar, Kukur Tihar, Gai Tihar and the main day to worship the goddess of wealth, Laxmi, Goru Tihar.

You can also watch the Popular Deusi Bhailo song of Tihar in the below video.
The last and the special day is celebrated as ‘Bhaitika’ which signifies and carries great importance for the love and concern between brothers and sisters. The sisters put the seven colors Tika on the brother’s forehead and pray for their longer life and progress.

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