High-profile people who have connections to big business houses have been arrested from Kathmandu for gambling on the occasion of lockdown.

Casino In Kathmandu

Police have arrested Ram Chandra Shanghai ( BoD of NIC Asia Bank ), Ashok Agrawal, Purushottam Agrawal, Suresh Agrawal, Govind Agrawal, Nanda Sharma, Vimal Khaitan, Vimal Abuja and Nikki Jogai for gambling at Gangaur Regency Boutique Hotel in Kamaladi last night.

Casino In Nepal

Nikki is a hotel manager. Ram Chandra is the MD of Shanghai Group Nepal, and Ashok is the MD of Vishal Group Nepal.

Gangaur Regency Boutique Hotel
Gangaur Regency Boutique Hotel where Nine High-profile Gamblers were Arrested.

A total of 277,000 rupees in cash and some coins were recovered from them. Police said they were found using casinos and chips to gamble in a casino style.


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