In Hong Kong, every inch of space is precious. The small island is so congested that the land costs around $13,980 per square meter. Most of the Hong Kong people live in smaller spaces. In average, there is only 15 sq per meter for each individual to live. What’s worse, they don’t even have space for the dead people to bury.
Why there is no space for civilians in Hong Kong?
The small island of Hong Kong has an area of 1,108 sq km with a population of around 7.4 million people. The population density of Hong Kong is 6,777/km sq which is quite unusual. More than 6,700 people had to live in an area of a 1 square kilometer. If you look at the U.S.A, the population density is 32.8/sq km. The land density is way more than normal in HongKong. Now there is no wonder, why people in Hong Kong have to confine in an 80 sq/ft apartment.

Hong Kong tiny apartment
The unbearable price of houses
If you want to buy a house in Hong Kong, a median house will cost you $9,50,000 per year. The average annual income for Hong Kong people is $40, 000 per year. So, the house will cost you 18 times more than your average annual income. Studies show the Hong Kong real estate is the most expensive in the world with median house prices at 19.4 times median incomes. Therefore, many people choose to live in a sub-divided and co-shared apartment. You can also find the poor family of three or four people living in a space as big as a car parking lot.

The government of Hong Kong is running housing projects to help civilians. However, the land shortage problem and highly unaffordable cost of apartment remain to upset the people of Hong Kong.