The fight for gender equality still exists, and most of us believe that women are equal to men. But, we can’t deny the differences that set us apart, especially the difference in our brains.

The fight for gender equality still exists.
The fight for gender equality still exists.

Yes, you heard it right! One of them is the difference in our brains, which ultimately explains why we think differently.
But, how do the brains differ from one another? Let’s find out.

Physical Differences:

Let’s start with the difference in the structure and size of our brains. Compared to men, women have a larger hippocampus (a part of the brain that controls emotions and memory), i.e. the human memory center.
This is why women gather more sensorial as well as emotive information.

Women gather more sensorial and emotive information.
Women gather more sensorial and emotive information.

Women tend to have more blood flow to the brain compared to men. As a result, women revisit emotional memories more frequently than men.

Meanwhile, men are likely to be ignorant of such feelings and memories. Our connection with the brain differs from each other.

The male brain is associated with the penis, whereas the female brain is much complex. It is linked to the vagina through several systems, that seems more complicated than men. A common myth states that the male brain has a higher tolerance for pain. But, women debunk the myth during childbirth, which is said to be 57 units of pain which is exactly like getting 20 bones fractured at once.

However, some studies state that the male brain is designed to crave power, control and lack of empathy. Meanwhile, the female brain is created to receive harassment, to over think things and have more understanding.
But, it doesn’t defend the stereotypical minds in our society.

Are Our Brains Different?

No matter how our brains were designed to be, our upbringing and knowledge regularly change our perspective on the world every day. Our brains are always adapting to our life experiences, which massively differs from person to person, regardless of their sex.

Brains are always adapting to our life experiences, which heavily differs from person to person, regardless of their sex.
Brains are always adapting to our life experiences, which heavily differs from person to person, regardless of their sex.

Such experiences can be anything. If a person has had a rough childhood and teenage years, s/he might become an introvert or an empathetic person or even a criminal. If a person has had a rich and spoiled upbringing, s/he might lack empathy and kindness towards others.
That was just a little bit of example for you to understand that our brains may differ physically from each other, but our experiences and upbringing can re-define how our brain thinks.


Let’s go through a small recap of everything we’ve learned so far.

  1. There’s a significant difference among the male and female brains.
  2. Women have a larger hippocampus compared to men.
  3. Women gather more sensorial and emotive information.
  4. Women tend to have more blood flow to the brain.
  5. The male brain is linked to the penis, whereas, the female brain is connected to the vagina.
  6. No matter how physically different our brains are supposed to be, the way we think depends on our experiences and upbringing.
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