June 19, 2019 Kathmandu
Thousands of protestors gathered at Maitighar mandala today demanding the government to dump down the recently proposed controversial Guthi bill. The Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation had withdrawn a bill in a press conference yesterday. However, the stakeholders want the government to completely scrap down the bill. Even, P.M K.P Oli expressed his interests to withdraw the Guthi bill. According to some protestors, the bill possesses threats to the culture and monuments that have been preserved for centuries. So, they will not stop their resistance until the government dumps down the bill.

The Maitighar mandala was surrounded by protestors from all sides. People were chanting different slogans to preserve the Guthi. The approach of protest was peaceful. Even musical bands took part in the protest to show their disinterests against the bill.