Hongkong public transport system

Hongkong transport system is one of the most convenient and efficient transport system in the world. The small island is home to millions of people, however, the transport system is so advanced that the Hongkongers don’t have to worry to travel. Th country’s transit regularly carries millions of people every day across islands, country side and urban areas.

It was not before the long time when Hongkong made so progress in their transport system until 1950s. In those times, the civilians relied on rickshaws and sedan chairs for transportation. However, Hongkongers soon learn about the importance of transports and made numerous developments. If we look today, more than 90% of people travel by public transport in Hongkong.

How people travel in Hongkong?

Hongkong public transport system
Hongkong public transport system

There are so many options of public transport in Hongkong. You can travel in trains, double checker buses, streetcars, or metros.

The trains arrive every two minutes which have toilets and WiFi facilities. You can also travel by metro in dense urban areas of the island. On roads, mainly the double checker buses provide the transport service. All of them are clean, safe and fast. Most notably, you can pay the fare with Octopus card which makes it easy to travel in Hongkong.

Hongkong metro
Hongkong metro

Hongkongers evolved its transportation system with the needs of the time. Their public transport system is a great example of a managed and creative public transport system.

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