We all love drinking coffee, whether its hot coffee or cold. Coffee is one of the popular drink in the western world. But, nowadays in Nepal too, the market for coffee is increasing.
You might be confused about choosing a nice coffee for you when there is a lot to choose from on the market. So, for your ease, we have come up with a list of three coffee brand that is widely available in the Nepali market. So, let’s dive in.
- Buddha Organic Coffee
Budhha organic coffee is a unique coffee, its beans are well-formed and have a consistent look. They don’t smell particularly strong. However, the taste is surprisingly good. It’s also one of the few coffees found in Nepal.
2. Himalayan Java
Himalayan Java is one of Nepal’s oldest and best-known coffee. The Himalayan coffee of blends is only available from their shop. You can enjoy the best coffee there. It seems their house blends are the same but the coffee is highly-priced.
3. HimCafe
HimCafe is one of the best coffee you will ever taste. It has a nutty and fresh taste. There is a little bitterness in this coffee which tastes good. It is a good brand of coffee and the price is affordable. It makes good cold coffee.
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