Photo Deepak Managey

There is an arrest warrant against Astha Raut for “indecent behaviour” with the airport security Policewoman Ramita Shrestha. That incident has not even cooled and now another case involving Deepak Manange has come to limelight.

Rajib Gurung (aka Deepak Manage), who is also a member of Gandaki Province Assembly, was arrested on 9th Magh. Police arrested him after the Chairman of All Nepal Football Association (ANFA), Kaski, Milan Gurung complained to District Police Office Kaski arguing Manage attacked him in a pre-planned way.

This incident is documented in all National Dailies. Deepak Manange is accused of manhandling Gurung at the inaugural of the Chief Minister Football Cup in Pokhara. Manage was angry with Milan Gurung for not taking care of youths from Manag, who had come to Pokhara, to take part in the Football Competition.

In the latest twist, Police have arrested Milan Gurung for banking fraud, based on the complaint received from a Hari Bhakta Acharya.

What does this mean?

These two incidents have grabbed the attention of the nation for a few weeks. Do these incidents represent the growing dissatisfaction of people?

In the case of singer Raut, she is clearly dissatisfied with how the police behaved with her. However, almost everyone who has spoken for or against Astha are saying that police are rude and this needs to change.

The incident relating to Manange and Gurung, however, shows a slightly different story. It shows Nepali still view the police force as an instrument that maintains law and order.

But the question is still there. Are Nepalis getting more aggressive and violent? These two incidents hint towards that end.

Violence is not a good thing. It destroys all sides. Once violence erupts it does not die down easily. We have already seen what violence leads to. We hope that everyone, within their capacity, works towards a peaceful and just state.

The crucial thing to remember is if injustice breeds, a violent end will surely follow. Let’s work towards a just and peaceful society.


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